Happy Spooky Wednesday, dear listeners! This week we've got a special guest! Singer & Songwriter, Park Ranger, and all-around awesome person: Duluth's Famous Kaylee Matuszak! She joins us for a conversation full of spooky stories, side tangents, and #FunFacts. First up, Kala revisits a topic she covered over three years ago, on the very first episode of the podcast: the S.S. William A. Irvin. This ship is a floating museum in Duluth's Canal Park and hosts a Haunted Ship Attraction every October. But what about the ghosts that stick around all year? We get not only the stories Kala found on the internet but personal experiences from Kaylee as well! And Brittany tells us about Hyde Hall in Cooperstown, New York. Built in the early 1800s, this mansion has exhibited haunted activity for two centuries! If you dare to visit, who will you encounter? Will it be Jenny, the ghost of a woman who absolutely hates it when you mess with her portrait? Or will it be George Clarke, the man who had the home built, and has been seen on multiple occasions, roaming in the halls in his favorite gold, green, and red bathrobe? Or one of the other numerous spirits that still reside in the building?
Thank you for joining us this week, Kaylee! Be sure to check out her new album Leading Lady, available wherever you stream your music!
Show Notes: Check out Leading Lady:
On Spotify --> https://open.spotify.com/album/7ixu0r9lqNPWmkbxC0fSEs?si=S3LepM_qSWiI-4UQPVfzmQ
On Apple Music --> https://music.apple.com/us/album/leading-lady/1750056791
On YouTube --> https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nij3_ooQ1KSDlN8lH7LxXB6v3Jrd5HDxI&si=L8Z-6Su-006cCcej Editor's Note: Titles that didn't make the cut
"Gertie's got better shit to do"
"Rackish lines and high bows 😏"
"Extremely loud, incorrect buzzer"
"It's like getting Rick-Rolled, constantly, by your mother's ghost"
What would be your alternate title?