Happy Spooky Wednesday, dear listeners! We’re going hard this week with a haunted cemetery, a Canadian poltergeist, and creepy-looking headlights. We start out with Kala talking about Maple Hill Cemetery in Huntsville, AL, and its weird little offshoot, Dead Children’s Playground. DCP features orbs, mists, creepy looming shadows, and swings that move on their own. Is it the spirits of children from the Spanish Flu that ravaged the Huntsville area? Or are these just exaggerated local legends? Either way… it’s oddly adorable and definitely creepy. And Brittany discusses The Great Amherst Mystery from Nova Scotia, Canada. (Featuring Esther Cox… hehehe… Cox) This notorious case of spooky activity, centered around Esther, was investigated and written about by Walter Hubble. Her life was scary. Items went flying, fires were lit, and backs were stabbed. But was this real or an exaggeration? We may never know the truth. And we wrap it up with the NRNNAS known as The Paulding Light in Michigan!