This Spooky Wednesday we’re heading to New York! Kala starts by talking about two different locations in Greenwich Village, New York City. The famous Washington Square Park, where tons of people walk around every day… walk around on the burial ground of thousands of bodies. Bodies that keep turning up with every redesign and road construction. And a short walk away on Gay Street, you might encounter the Phantom of Gay Street, who may be a tulpa or he may just be a dapper gent stuck in an afterlife loop attempting to get home from a drunken party. And Brittany takes us to the Morris-Jumel House… a historical house haunted by its less-than-reputable former owner Eliza. Her name was Eliza, but not that Eliza. Not a Schuyler sister, but a good friend of Aaron Burr, sir. Bonus points if you can catch every Hamilton reference Kala makes during Brittany’s story. There's a lot of them. And while Brittany may not have gotten the Hamilton references, she definitely did not miss the Ghostbusters detail that Kala tried to sneak in.
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