Happy Spooky Wednesday! This week Kala is taking it back to the Midwest with the story of Hotel Hell. No, not the Gordon Ramsey show… the Maribel Caves Hotel in Maribel, WI. Once upon a time, this hotel was a gorgeous building built on a flowing mineral spring, occasionally frequented by gangsters. Hits all the best points. But after a fire and a tornado, it’s now in ruins reminiscent of a creepy, haunted castle. The question is: Is it creepy and haunted? Or just creepy? And Brittany regales us with stories of Banshees! Are they cryptids? Are they ghosts? Turns out it’s neither, and that’s very surprising. Are they what the media has made them out to be? Turns out that they aren’t, and that is not very surprising. Either way, these weeping, scary creatures are not something you hope to encounter.
This week's episode is sponsored by Earth Rider Brewery in Superior, WI. For more details visit https://Earthrider.beer