In this episode of The Autistic Culture Podcast:
Join hosts Angela and Matt as they discuss the Autistic origins and culture surrounding My Little Pony, including the involvement of Autistic creator Bonnie Zacherle (who has a delightfully strong Autistic accent) and writer Linda Woolverton (a writer on the autism spectrum).
Matt: And this is a big thing, especially when you see the Autistic accent at play, and how she was marginalized among her co-workers, especially because they said, ‘You are not a real girl. This is not what girls want—nothing like this. You are a freak of nature.’ I mean, holy crap.
Angela: Girls just like to cook and clean. Give us an iron. That's how we play.
They talk about how the Autistic cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, created by autistic Lauren Faust, sparked a huge fandom including many Autistic fans, especially those who are sensory-seeking. The show provided relatable Autistic characters and a fantasy world that fans wanted to be part of.
They explore the therapeutic benefits of horses and horse therapy for Autistic individuals (great for children and adults), allowing for co-regulation of emotions. Angela shares a personal story about how horse therapy helped her identify physical signs of dysregulation in her body before sensory overload, which has improved her mental health.
Matt and Angela highlight the emergence of the Bronies subculture: a fandom of primarily young adult men who share a passion for the show and its values. They discuss the ways in which the Bronies community has fostered a sense of belonging and identity through their fandom.
Overall, the show's themes and characters resonate with the Autistic community, including its focus on friendship, acceptance, and individuality.
Do you love My Little Pony? Tell us who your favorite pony is in the comments!
Crunch Dog episode of My Little Pony
Episode 09: Fairy Tales are Autistic
More on Autistic writer Linda Woolverton in: Episode 26: Disney is Autistic and Episode 34: Beauty and the Beast is Autistic
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Learn more about Angela at and Difference Press
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