This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.
Part I (00:13 - 11:41) A Big Life on the Screen of the 20th Century: The Life and Legacy of Pat Robertson, Dead at 93
Part II (11:41 - 16:56) Smoke Like the Eruption of a Major Volcano Hangs Over US East Coast: Worldview Arguments Rage in the Midst of the Fallout of Dangerous Wildfires in Canada
Part III (16:56 - 21:34) Is It Acceptable to Worship on Another Day of the Week Besides the Lord’s Day In Order to Make Space for Other Activities Like Sports? — Dr. Mohler Responds to a Letter from a 15-Year-Old Listener of The Briefing
Part IV (21:34 - 23:32) Why Was Jesus Baptized By John the Baptist? Did John the Baptist Wear Camel Skin Out of Sadness? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
Part V (23:32 - 26:00) Can A Christ Follower Responsibly Work For a Company That Supports the LGBTQ Revolution? — Dr. Mohler Responds to Letters from Listeners of The Briefing
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