Tonya Webster ( shares her wisdom about the 4 archetypes of the menstrual cycle: Maiden, Mother, Enchantress & Crone...and how to go with your flow, literally! Some of the topics we cover are: - The Crone: Grounded in Body, Connected in Spirit - The Maiden: Empowered and Energized - The Mother: Nurturing and Collaborating - The Enchantress: Subconscious Reflection & Shadow Work - Supporting Girls in this Rite of Passage - Grieving & Embracing the Aging Process - The Establishing Her Program & Community - The Power of the Crone - a New Paradigm of Aging You can learn more about Tonya's Establishing Her program at
and IG: @establishing_her
The Loving Challengers Community is for women who are disrupting the status quo in the way they live, love, work, relate, parent, and more! Set up a free 20 minute call to learn more about the community and see if it's a good fit for you!
IG @lovingchallengers
"I started working with Megan a couple of months ago with the initial intention of wanting guidance, coaching, and support as I seek to start my own business. Shortly after, I joined the Loving Challengers women’s group and these two offerings combined have given me more than I ever knew I needed. Through 1:1 coaching, I am gaining valuable and embodied insights to trust myself and take the steps necessary to start my own business, but even more to create a more liberated life. The group is a container that helps me feel deeply seen and held and brave. The two combined are allowing me to take risks, trust my intuition, and know in my bones that the life I want to create is possible." - Alice K.