3.2.8B 《白蛇传》 - podcast episode cover

3.2.8B 《白蛇传》

Feb 08, 201946 minTranscript available on Metacast
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Episode description

A serpent demon who transforms into a woman to fall in love with...

汉字 ;拼音;词性;意思

传说;chuán shuō;Noun;legend

修炼;xiū liàn;Verb;to practice asceticism
人形;rén xíng;Noun;human shape
美丽;měi lì;adj.;beautiful
端庄;duān zhuāng;adj.;dignified; composed
青春;qīng chūn;noun.;youth; youthfulness
活力;huó lì;noun.;energy
结伴;jié bàn;Verb;to go with sb
人群;rén qún;Noun;crowd
清秀;qīng xiù;adj.;delicate and pretty
白面书生;bái miàn shū shēng;Cheng Yu; pale-faced scholar
暗生;àn shēng;Verb; ...arise (in the mind)
情意;qíng yì;Noun; affection
作法;zuò fǎ;Verb;  conduct magical act
乘船;chéng chuán;Verb;to travel by ship
淋;lín;Verb; to get wet in the rain
狼狈;láng bèi;adj.;in a embarassing situation
避雨;bì yǔ;Verb;take shelter from rain
任凭;rèn píng;Verb; despite
老实;lǎo shi;adj.;honest, simple-minded

腼腆;miǎn tiǎn;adj.;shy
爱慕之情;ài mù zhī qíng ; noun; love
撮合;cuō he;Verb;to play matchmaker
成了亲;chéng le qīn;Verb;get married
寺;sì;Noun;Buddhist temple
法师;fǎ shī;Noun; monk
妖精;yāo jing;Noun;evil spirit;alluring woman
祸害;huò hài;Verb;to harm
民间;mín jiān;Noun;society
…… 化身而成;huà shēn ér chéng ; living embodiment of ....
识别;shí bié;Verb;to distinguish

将信将疑;jiāng xìn jiāng yí;Cheng Yu;half believing, half doubting
转眼;zhuǎn yǎn;Verb; in the blink of an eye
雄黄酒;xióng huáng jiǔ;Noun; a rice liquor mixed with realgar traditionally consumed during the Dragon Boat Festival
辟邪;bì xié;Verb; to exorcise evil spirits
逼迫;bī pò;Verb;to force
怀孕;huái yùn;adj.;pregnant
推却;tuī què;Verb;to decline
原形;yuán xíng;Noun;original shape
千里迢迢;qiān lǐ tiáo tiáo;Cheng Yu;from distant parts
昆仑;kūn lún;Noun;Kunlun  mountain range in Xinjiang
圣山;shèng shān;Noun; holy mountain
起死回生;qǐ sǐ huí shēng;Cheng Yu;to rise from the dead
灵芝草;líng zhī cǎo;Noun; commonly known as snake jasmine
拼命;pīn mìng;Verb;at all costs
恶战;è zhàn;Noun;fierce battle
赠送;zèng sòng;Verb;to present as a gift
容不下;róng bù xià;adj.;can't permit
强迫;qiǎng pò;Verb;to compel; to force

愤怒;fèn nù;adj.;angry
率领;shuài lǐng;Verb;to lead
大显法力;dà xiǎn fǎ lì;Cheng Yu;display one's prowess
临产;lín chǎn;Verb;about to give birth
劫难;jié nàn;adj.;calamity, disaster
初逢;chū féng;adj.; meet for first time
百感交集;bǎi gǎn jiāo jí;Cheng Yu;all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart
抱头痛哭;bào tóu tòng kū;Cheng Yu; to cry on each other's shoulder
镇压;zhèn yā;Verb;suppress
诅咒;zǔ zhòu;Verb;to curse
得道;dé dào;Verb;to become an immortal
掀倒;xiān dǎo;Verb;to lift...







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