Jimmy Diresta joins the Maker Lounge Podcast!
From toy making to dumpster diving in shows like Trash to Cash or Dirty Money, today’s guest knows how to get his hands dirty. He’s an author, inventor, and flea market fanatic. He dabbles in just about every medium there is in the maker community, from leather and metal to wood, glass, and everything in between. He was born holding a DiResta ice pick and the world’s first GoPro in his hand. Nick Offerman called him the love-child of Robin Hood, DaVinci, and John Henry, and yet, he agreed to be on my podcast.
Check out the Patreon page at http://www.patreon.com/makerloungepodcast
Find us all at the following links
Maker Lounge on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/makerloungepodcast
Matt (Host) with Voeltner Woodworking: http://www.linktree.com/voeltnerwoodworking
Maker Lounge Podcast Website: http://www.makerloungepodcast.com
Jimmy Diresta: https://www.youtube.com/@jimmydiresta
Mentions in this episode:
Diresta Book - Workshop Mastery with Jimmy DiResta: A Guide to Working With Metal, Wood, Plastic, and Leather - https://amzn.to/3HlZ6diIn
Cold Blood - https://amzn.to/3XD38TW
Timelines of History - https://amzn.to/3GYBNEI
Why We Make Things and Why It Matters - https://amzn.to/3GU8yCX
The Fountainhead - https://amzn.to/3GYBNEI
Making, Our Way Podcast - https://www.instagram.com/makingourwaypodcast/?hl=en
Making It Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/@makingitpodcast5367/videos
Hammered Show with Jimmy and John Diresta - https://amzn.to/3Xxij1i
Diresta Tools - https://imakeny.com/collections/tools
Diresta Toolbox - https://jimmysworkshop.com/the-tool-box/
Gurglin Gutz - https://www.amzn.to/3we85Xz
Sky Dancers - https://www.amzn.to/3J2P2qF
This episode is sponsored by SurfPrep Sanding. Thanks to SurfPrep for sponsoring this episode and providing a discount code for the listeners! Go to http://www.surfprepsanding.com and enter the code "MAKERLOUNGE" for 10% off their website! I've been using SurfPrep for a couple of years now and can speak very highly of the product and company.
Thank you to our patrons!
Rockstar Patrons: Jimmy McAnally, Artigiano Serio, Wimm Designs, and Calvary Customs LLC , and CleanCut Woodworking
Groupies: Making at Home, J&E Designs, Temecula Yard Games
Season Ticket Holders: 513 Woodworks
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