Are you or someone you love living with a chronic disease (1 in 3 people do)? If so, then medical bills and expenses can be a headache.
Join us as we explore different ways to manage the costs of chronic diseases, including negotiating with medical providers and insurance companies, going directly to pharmaceutical manufacturers for discounts, bargaining for services and skills, and applying for financial assistance.
Learn the tips you need to help make living with chronic disease more affordable!
About Our Guest
Barby Ingle is a best-selling author, reality personality, and lives with multiple rare and chronic diseases. Barby is a chronic pain educator, patient advocate, and president of the International Pain Foundation. She is also a motivational speaker and best-selling author on pain topics.
Her blog, reality shows, and media appearances are used as a platform to help her become an e-Patient advocate, and she presents at healthcare conferences, speaking publicly, sharing her story, and educating and advocating for patients across the globe. She has received more than 25 commendations for her advocacy efforts. She is the reigning Mrs Southwest Petite USA.
Connect with Barby
Twitter: barbyingle
Instagram: barbyingleofficial
Facebook: Barby Ingle Official
Additional Resources
Dr. Virgie Bright Ellington Demystifies Medical Bills | Ep. 228