Episode 352 - Tammy J Cohen - Text Messages to My Sons - You Are Bulletproof
Tammy Cohen has been partnering with top-tier corporate executives and entrepreneurs to develop their personal and professional brands for more than 20 years.
Today, she understands her role as a connector and sees opportunities for women to thrive and grow exponentially, which is why she founded the Women Beyond the Table, a business network with a soul.
Tammy added podcaster by launching the Beyond the Table Podcast, leveraging her ability to connect with audiences by sharing her guest’s stories and wisdom.
In her consulting work, Tammy connects her clients to their mission, vision and core values statements and utilizes her networks to develop brands. Tammy is a frequent podcast guest and speaker on topics ranging from branding to leadership.
When she is not helping brands stand out or women to thrive, Tammy lives in Manhattan with her husband and 3 sons and owns Eighteen Restaurant on the Upper Eastside. Text Messages to My Sons is Tammy’s first book where she connects deeply with her family in a world of devices. It is a must read for anyone looking to build a deeper connection.
Tammy J Cohen
Contact: tammy@tcbrandconsulting.com
FB text messages to my sons
The Book: Text Messages To My Sons - At the start of 2020, I began to immerse myself in a learning journey incorporating good health, spiritual and emotional intelligence, and personal growth. I needed to share this with my three sons, who are everything to me.
One motivating factor was the wild statistic that in 2017, people were on their phones 70% of the time, and by 2021, it was continuous.
While my kids were growing up, I texted my sons mostly with nagging reminders, questions, commands, and sometimes, even reprimands. They would text me what they needed or wanted me to do for them. That was our communication. I do not consider phones and devices evil; what you do with them makes the difference.
So, at the beginning of 2021, I started text messaging each of my sons daily with messages of love, inspiration, observation, and gratitude. I shared what I was learning, including advice and quotes from renowned mentors, creators, and thinkers. What was fantastic was that my sons read the texts and responded with love and acknowledgment back to me.
As I shared with friends what I was doing with my sons, their response was remarkably consistent: “THIS IS AMAZING, YOU HAVE TO PUT THIS IN A BOOK, WHAT A GIFT!” And so, I did ! “Text Messages to My Sons” is available on Amazon. It’s there as a gentle guide to expand the depth of your loving relationships with family and friends.
podcast produced by: https://truemediasolutions.ca/
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