Episode 343 - Chris Mitchell - Success Balloons, Self-Confidence, I Am Me
86% of the disabled community
struggles with self-confidence!
Through my signature coaching program, I can help you discover, develop and grow the self-confidence necessary to succeed as a self-employed person with a disability.
Is YOUR lack of self-confidence holding you back from being a successful self-employed person with a disability?
Then you need my free cheat sheet with your first three steps to self-confidence
This cheat sheet will give you 3 things you can start doing today to develop and grow your self-confidence.
Look, I get it. I know that being a person with a disability can do a number on your self-confidence. You may have experienced people telling you no just because you are a person with a disability. I know that people have told me I could not do things because I am a person with a disability and encountered many barriers that stood between me and my goals.
Despite it all, I am a successful self-employed person with 3 major disabilities: a physical disability, a visual impairment, and a neurodiverse diagnosis of ADHD. I have started and ran three businesses out of my home and been in Entrepreneur magazine. If you would ask me what my secret to success has been, I would have to say that it was having self-confidence in myself and my abilities even when others or society doubted my abilities.
I want to see you have the self-confidence you need to become successfully employed or a successful self-employed person with a disability and that starts with you taking your next three steps to self-confidence.
podcast produced by: https://truemediasolutions.ca/
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