EPISODE 306 - Gerry Wilson - That Pinson Girl - Historical Fiction and a class on Writing Your Story
A seventh generation Mississippian, Gerry Wilson grew up in the red clay hills of the north. Her novel, THAT PINSON GIRL, is forthcoming from Regal House Publishing February 6, 2024. Her debut short fiction collection, Crosscurrents and Other Stories (Press 53 2015), was nominated for the Mississippi Institute of Arts and Letters Fiction Award. A story, “Life Line,” was a finalist in december magazine’s Curt Johnson Prose Award for Fiction and was published in december in the spring of 2023. Her short fiction has been published in numerous other journals.
Gerry has a new Substack publication, “Stories I’m Old Enough to Tell,” where she writes about her journey to publication and reveals tidbits about That Pinson Girl you won’t find anywhere else!
A literary novel that resonates with issues of race and class, THAT PINSON GIRL pits a white teenage mother and a biracial sharecropper against prejudice and hatred in Mississippi during World War I.
“That Pinson Girl is a beautiful novel about the destructive power of dark secrets. Gerry Wilson’s prose shines as she breathes life into her characters and into the north Mississippi landscape.” — Tiffany Quay Tyson, award-winning author of The Past is Never and Three Rivers
“Devastating and beautifully written, Gerry Wilson’s That Pinson Girl is at once a heart-rending tragedy and a testament to the indomitable human spirit.” — Clifford Garstang, author of Oliver’s Travels and The Shaman of Turtle Valley.
“In Gerry Wilson’s gripping debut novel, 1918 in North Mississippi becomes tangible again; here are the red hills, the suck of winter mud, the scrabble of subsistence living, and the intricately crossed lines of race and kin.” — Katy Simpson Smith, author of The Everlasting, Free Men, The Story of Land and Sea.
podcast produced by: https://truemediasolutions.ca/
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