EPISODE 304 - E. Vernon F. Glenn - Let Life Stick To You, From Lawyer to Author, Share Your Story
E. Vernon F. Glenn is a trial lawyer, crime writer, and founder of Cooper River Books. Knowing he was in it for the long haul while embarking on his writing journey, he decided to create an imprint of his own to carry his work. Cooper River Books came to him while hiking up the iconic LowCountry ‘mountain’, the Ravenel Bridge and the views are just some of the best around.
A native Tar Heel, Glenn was educated not only at Choate, UNC-Chapel Hill, and Wake Forest University School of Law, but also by digging deep ditches, running a jackhammer, and hauling block and bricks every summer to the tune of starting at 60 cents an hour. Glenn has been a practicing litigator for more than 40 years and adores the courtroom, as well as Southern people. He does not like fakes, frauds, pedants, poseurs, and better-thans. Comfortable in the cocoons of luxury and in the back alleys of slums, he has never started a fight, but has finished plenty. Glenn has scouted and handicapped football and basketball games, has testified before Congress, and has traveled all about. This story has been flailing about in his mind for years, so one day about a year ago, he sat down and began to write it. Like becoming a trial lawyer, it just spontaneously poured out. He thinks there is much more to say. Glenn now lives in Charleston, South Carolina, and too has a perch in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in the beautiful old R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company Headquarters Building. Also, it would be fair to say that he finds his way back to Chapel Hill on a happy and regular basis. He stays busy.
podcast produced by: https://truemediasolutions.ca/
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