EPISODE 286 - Sian Hill - Row Boats and Submarines, How Your Thoughts Become Things
I help women to transform their thinking, release limitations and become an impactful coach through my Accredited NLP, Time Line Therapy and Hypnotherapy Certification programmes
Growing up, I hated being me! That lack of self-love grew more and more over the years and by my mid-twenties, I’d hit the self-sabotage button that many times that life was pretty rubbish. I'd managed to get myself into a lot of debt, a relationship that I realise now was abusive in many ways and my health was pretty poor. The funny thing was that looking in from the outside, you would never have known. I was good at putting a smile on my face and pretending I had it together.
The truth was that I felt like I was drowning. I was sure that everyone else knew what they were doing, they’d had lessons in school about life that I’d missed. I spent what should’ve been my ‘fun’ years, having no fun at all! I went from job to job doing work that I found completely unfulfilling whilst racking up the credit cards, the whole time thinking that there has to be more to life.
I’m so thankful that in my mid-twenties, my Mum gave me a book, 'The Secret'. This book introduced a new way of thinking; a way that said I was able to create my reality. Up to that point, life had just happened to me...I was ready to change. I became obsessed and read tonnes of books about the law of attraction, manifestation and creating your reality, I went to seminars, short courses and I watched everything I could find on YouTube, but nothing much changed.
The issue was, I was still me!
Sian is the author of the book “Activate Your RAS - The Art and Science of Creating Your Reality from The Inside Out,” and host of the Vibrant Mind Vibrant Life podcast. As an Internationally Certified Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Time Line Therapy, Hypnotherapy and Breakthrough Coach, she works both 1-1 with clients and training people to become accredited coaches. She teaches people to re-programme their unconscious mind, rewire old belief systems and break through lifelong mental and emotional blocks so they can create a life they love.
Here's my linktree which has the links to my website, programmes etc.
podcast produced by: https://truemediasolutions.ca/
podcast produced by: https://truemediasolutions.ca/
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