Welcome to Nightmare on Film Street's limited podcast series Trick or Treat! This Halloween we're treating you with a spooktastic new collection of episodes where we let the spirits of Halloween take the wheel and choose the films for us 👻
Each week we're pulling movies at random from our spooky mystery cauldron (a McDonald's boo bucket) and we're either going to be given a Treat- that's a horror movie we really want to talk about- or a Trick- a horror movie that we’d hoped we'd never have to discuss in public…
This week, it's either a brand-new American remake of a NSFL Danish shocker from only just a few years ago OR a bizarro so-bad-it's-good nightmare comedy that Kimmi has been trying to get on the podcast for years. Depending on what the spirits decide, we're about to be Tricked into watching Speak No Evil (2024) starring James McAvoy as a charming maybe-but-maybe-not serial killer or treated with Nothing But Trouble (1991) from the deranged mind of Dan Akroyd, featuring appearances from John Candy, Demi Moore, Chevy Chase and 2Pac!
But which movie will it be?? Will the Halloween spirits look kindly upon us and allow us to talk about the most insane road trip movie you'll ever experience, or punish us with a remake that we've seen the trailer for 100,000 times now??!?
Join ussss as we dive head-first into Halloween, cautiously dip our hands into the Cauldron of Chance, and ask "Trick or Treat?"
Listen To The Trick or Treat Podcast Series: