Australia and NZ are made up of sprawling cities and far-flung towns, and driving is often viewed as a fundamental freedom. It can be hard for clinicians to challenge that freedom with patients who they consider unfit to drive safely. And harder still to deal with the consequences if a patient does have a crash.
Clinicians are drawn into the question of driving fitness in two main ways. The more clearcut is when a patient presents with a medical assessment form. It's the Driver Licencing Authority in each state which ultimately issues the driving permits and may require the recommendation of a medical professional.
The other way in which health professionals become involved is when they detect a new or worsening condition in a patient who is already licenced. Clinicians are expected to warn their patients off driving, and to potentially report them to the DLA if this advice isn't being heeded.
There are diagnoses that should raise red flags for clinicians of all stripes. In this podcast we speak to a GP, a neurologist and an occupational therapist about how to discuss cessation from driving with patients, and where responsibilities lie in reporting to the Driver Licencing Authority.
Dr Genevieve Yates FRACGP (Principal Medical Educator RACGP, MDA National's Education Services Advisory Group, Black Dog Institute)
Prof Roy Beran FRCP FAFPHM FRACP FRACGP FACLM (UNSW, Griffith University, Liverpool Hospital)
Dr Marilyn Di Stefano (Senior Policy Officer VicRoads, La Trobe University)
Serge Zandegu (Manager of VicRoads Medical Review)
Written and produced by Mic Cavazzini. Recording assistance in Melbourne from Sam Loy of Human/Ordinary. Music courtesy of Free Music Archive; 'John Stockton Slow Drag' and 'What True Self? Feels Bogus, Let's Watch Jason X' by Chris Zabriskie, 'Noir' by Daniel James Dolby, 'Hélice' by Monplaisir,. Image courtesy of iStock.
Please visit the RACP website for a transcript embedded with citations. Fellows of the College can claim CPD credits for listening and additional reading.