This episode is shared from the Essential Ethics podcast produced at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. It is presented by paediatric respiratory physician John Massie and clinical ethicist Lynn Gillam who are respectively the Clinical Lead and Academic Director of the Children's Bioethics Centre.
In a series titled “Deciding with Children” they raise the following questions. When can a child be considered to have autonomy to make healthcare decisions for themselves? What intrinsic rights does a young patient have up to this age of so-called Gillick competence? How should responsibility for difficult decisions be shared between the patients, the parents and clinicians? And is it possible to minimise the moral injury when the wishes of the patient need to be over-ruled? For the full series go to
Prof Lynn Gillam (Academic Director, Children’s Bioethics Centre, University of Melbourne)
Prof John Massie FRACP (Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, University of Melbourne)
Assoc Prof Clare Delany (Children’s Bioethics Centre, University of Melbourne)
Assoc Prof Daryl Efron (Murdoch Children's Research Institute, University of Melbourne)
Written and produced by Mic Cavazzini DPhil. Music licenced from Epidemic Sound includes ‘Kryptonite’ by Blue Steel, ‘Going Undercover’, ‘I Have a Plan’, ‘See you Soon’ by Borrtex and ‘By the Harbor’ by Mhern. Image courtesy of Jin Han Tan at Flickr. Feedback on this episode was kindly provided by the following members of the Podcast Editorial Group.
Please visit the RACP website for a transcript and supporting references. Fellows of the College can claim CPD credits for listening to the podcast and reading supporting resources.