In 2017, Victoria was the first state in Australia to pass voluntary assisted legislation and has been followed by Western Australia, Tasmania and now South Australia. Aotearoa-New Zealand passed its End-of-life Choice Bill two years ago and that will go live in November. This podcast draws on the experience of some very committed Victorian clinicians who share the lessons they've learned over the last two years about practical implementation of VAD.
The presenters were recorded at this year’s RACP Congress held in May. Palliative care physician Danielle Ko explained how Austin Health has prepared and supported its healthcare staff through this shift in practice. Palliative care Greg Mewett described the challenge of consulting remotely with patients in regional Victoria. Professor Paul Komesaroff reflected on some other points of friction in Victoria’s law as it stands and the practicalities of medical practice. And Professor James Howe talked of his work as a neurologist in a Catholic healthcare institution, and how tensions over assisted dying had been resolved.
Dr Danielle Ko FRACGP FAChPM (Clinical Ethics Lead, Austin Health; VAD Review Board, Safercare Victoria)
Dr Greg Mewett FRACGP FAChPM DRCOG (Ballarat Rural Health; Grampians Regional Palliative Care Team)
Professor Paul Komesaroff FRACP (Alfred Hospital; Monash University)
Adjunct Assoc Prof James Howe FRACP (VAD Review Board, Safercare Victoria)
Dr George Laking FRACP (Auckland City Hospital; RACP President Aotearoa New Zealand)
Written and produced by Mic Cavazzini DPhil. Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound includes ‘Like Clockwork’, by Benjamin Kling, ‘September Skies’ by Silver Maple, ‘Mistranslations by Rand Aldo, ‘Elm Lake’ by Elm Lake, Finally B by ‘Twelwe. Image licensed from Getty Images.
Feedback on this episode was kindly provided by physicians of the RACP’s Podcast Editorial Group; Paul Cooper, Rhinnon Mellor, Loryn Einstein
Please visit the RACP website for a transcript and supporting references. Fellows of the College can claim CPD credits for listening to the podcast and reading supporting resources.