From 2024, supervising has been recognised as a Category 2 CPD activity. This short and insightful episode focuses on recent updates to the 2024 MyCPD Framework, highlighting the recognition of supervisory activities as a critical element of Category 2 Reviewing Performance CPD.
Please join Professor Martin Veysey, a renowned expert in supervision and medical education, and Associate Professor Kudzai Kanhutu, College Dean, as they delve into the practicalities and strategic benefits of integrating supervision into your CPD activities. This podcast offers guidance on planning and recording supervising activities, using MyCPD tools to streamline the process efficiently.
Associate Professor Kudzai Kanhutu FRACP GAICD (College Dean; Royal Melbourne Hospital; University of Melbourne)
Professor Martin Veysey FRACP, FRCP (Gastro Healthcare; Australian National University)
CPD OnDemand project production by Rebecca Lewis and David Tarr. Audio editing by Mic Cavazzini. Music licenced from Epidemic Sound includes ‘Bookies’ by Jones Meadow and ‘Love Thing’ by Paisley Pink. Image created and copyrighted by RACP.
For more podcasts that you can credit to Category 1 CPD , please visit the Pomegranate Health web page. And there are many more educational videos and eLearning resources at RACP Online Learning.