Today’s guests are the hosts of This Medical Life, a wonderful podcast that delves into the archives of medical history. Dr Travis Brown describes the period after World War I when the Spanish Flu was killing tens of millions around the world. In the USA, whiskey was thought to be a powerful prophylactic but distribution was not an easy thing. Later in the episode (22min) is the equally unlikely tale of how the pomegranate made its way from ancient myth onto this podcast by way of Henry VIII and some mystical symbolism.
Dr Travis Brown MBBS, FRCPA (ClinPath Pathology)
Steve Davis MBA FAMI CPM (Talked About Marketing)
Produced by Mic Cavazzini DPhil. Music courtesy of FreeMusic Archive includes ‘Mendo Mulcher’ by Polyrhytmiques, ‘Bach’s March fur die Arche’ by The United States Army old Fife and Drum Corps and ‘Notre Dame’ by Jahzzar. Music licenced from Epidemic Sound includes ‘Salat Alsabah’ by Feras Charestan and ‘Savannah Nights 1’ by Martin Gauffin. Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons. Recording of Allegri’s Miserere from Trinity College under Creative Commons licence from
Editorial feedback kindly provided by RACP physicians Chris Leung, Aidan Tan, David Arroyo, Ronaldo Piovezan, Rahul Barmanray and Ian Woolley.
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