Matt Damon & Gary White visit Google to discuss their recent book "The Worth of Water: Our Story of Chasing Solutions to the World's Greatest Challenge”. This is the incredible true story of two unlikely allies on a mission to end the global water crisis.. With humor and humility, Matt & Gary illuminate the challenges of launching a brand-new model with extremely high stakes: better health and greater prosperity for people all over the world. "The Worth of Water" invites us to become a part of this effort—to match hope with resources, to empower families and communities, and conqure the global water crisis for good.
On any given morning, you might wake up and shower with water, make your coffee with water, flush your toilet with water—and think nothing of it. But around the world, more than three-quarters of a billion people can’t do any of that—because they have no clean water source near their homes. 1.7 billion people don’t even have access to a toilet. This crisis affects a third of all humans on the planet. It keeps kids out of schools and women out of work, trapping people in extreme poverty and spreading disease.
It is also completely solvable. That conviction is what brought together movie actor Matt Damon and water expert and engineer Gary White. Over time, they and their organization,, have found an approach that works. Working with partners across East Africa, Latin America, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, they’ve helped over 40 million people access water and sanitation.
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