When Mark Pollock lost his sight at the age of twenty-two, he thought his life was over. The story of how he overcame the odds to rebuild his life and exceed his own wildest expectations has inspired people the world over. In his story, you will find what can’t be taught in school: the true education that is garnered from what Mark calls 'the university of life'.
Unbroken by blindness, Mark became an adventure athlete competing in ultra-endurance races across deserts, mountains, and the polar ice caps, ultimately becoming the first blind person to race to the South Pole. He won silver and bronze medals for rowing at the Commonwealth Games and set up a successful international motivational speaking business. In 2010, a fall from a second story window nearly killed him; Mark broke his back and the damage to his spinal cord left him paralysed. Now, he is on a new expedition, exploring the intersection where humans and technology collide on his mission to cure paralysis in our lifetime.
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