In celebration of Black History Month, Google is excited to welcome life coach, spiritual teacher and African Healing Practitioner Gogo Dineo Ndlanzi as she unpacks the pre-colonial history of African Spirituality and how it intersects with global systemic issues in the 21st century.
Gogo Dineo Ndlanzi is a pre-eminent and pioneering traditional healer who has successfully merged the sacredness of African Spirituality with modern thinking. She is a celebrated spiritual teacher, life coach, African storyteller, actress, writer, dancer and trained facilitator. She has been instrumental in changing perceptions around the practice of “ubungoma”, a sacred form of African Spiritual Healing. This has made her a household name in Southern Africa and with Africans in the diaspora over the last decade as she continues to shift mindsets and encourage people to access African spiritual healing modalities and indigenous knowledge systems.
Gogo Dineo cemented her position as a foremost speaker in the global market as she graced the TEDxCAPETOWN stage in 2019 and as a keynote speaker in Lüneburg, Germany at Leuphana University at the Leverage Points and Sustainability conference, where she spoke on how the global healthcare system can leverage from African indigenous healing practices to overcome systemic failures.
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