There are serious flaws in plastic offsets, credits and plastic neutrality, according to the report: Smoke and Mirrors - The Realities of Plastic Credits and Offsetting. Building on research published by SourceMaterial and Bloomberg, with original research by Break Free From Plastic (BFFP) and the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA), the report looks at two of the main proponents of plastic offsetting — Verra and Plastic Credit Exchange (PCX) — which were analysed to provide a snapshot of the current realities of plastic offsetting, beyond the promises and marketing. Among other things, the report shows that plastic credits are encouraging the burning of plastic, a practice that releases harmful toxic chemicals and greenhouse gases, with no environmental benefits, and also that there are serious doubts about additionality, a key concept in offsetting. We unpack the findings of this report with Emma Priestland, the Global Corporate Campaigns Coordinator, from the Break Free From Plastic Movement.
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