Dropped Among This Crowd Podcast is taking this week off to finish up the massive Summer Camp Music Festival 2021 recap episode coming your way next week. In the meantime, dive into the vault stuffed full of past episodes! And don't miss the fall edition of Crooked Conversations, now available! Head to datcmediacompany.com to get yours!
DATC Media Company: https://datcmediacompany.com
Crooked Conversations: https://datcmediacompany.com/some-variations-2
Email: droppedamongthiscrowdpod@gmail.com
Show Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/droppedamongthiscrowdpodcast/
Show Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/droppedamongthiscrowd/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amongthiscrowd
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"Dropped Among This Crowd" Official Store: https://datcmediacompany.com/datc-store
YOU WALKED UP SHAKING IN YOUR BOOTS BUT YOU STOOD TALL AND LEFT A RAGING BULL - https://merch.umphreys.com/dept/you-walked-up?cp=402_109819
Last week's episode: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/riverside-theater-milwaukee-wi-august-13th-first-avenue-minneapolis-mn-august-14th-lauridsen-amphitheater-des-moines-ia-august-15th
Where you can watch "Best of Midwest '21" : https://tinyurl.com/4n34ehpp
"Tales From Scamp with Joel Cummins + Sara Jachimiak" : https://tales-from-scamp-with-joel-cummins.simplecast.com/episodes/tales-from-scamp-with-joel-cummins-sara-jachimiak
My 2021 Hall of Fame Play List: https://2nu.gs/3pZxU9A
Wall of "WOW": https://datcmediacompany.com/wall-of-%22wow%22-wednesday
The Umphrey's "WOW" show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/umWOWshow