Episode description
Continuing with the UMBowl VIII discussions, this week on the show: my conversation with Drina Hartmann and Alex Pinto, who share their thoughts on the two nights. We start out with:
The all night wrong set and what made their ballot
The joy of finally getting Senor Mouse
How Umphrey’s has helped broaden our musical horizons
We get into that delicious two song set
The return of Search 4
The S2 set, theirs and their friend’s contributions and of course Keyboard Galaxy
Their thoughts on UMBowl being two nights 6 sets instead of one night 4 quarters
and of course we have to shout Bobby and his shorts, holding up the card before each round during the weekend. If you didn’t get the stream and didn’t see, you really missed out!
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DATC Media Company: https://datcmediacompany.com
Crooked Conversations: https://datcmediacompany.com/some-variations-2
Email: droppedamongthiscrowdpod@gmail.com
Show Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/droppedamongthiscrowdpodcast/
Show Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/droppedamongthiscrowd/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amongthiscrowd
Book a conversation on "Dropped among this Crowd":
"Dropped Among This Crowd" Official Store: https://datcmediacompany.com/datc-store
Where you can find this week's guest on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pat_Dwy3r
Umphrey's McGee Tour Dates:
YOU WALKED UP SHAKING IN YOUR BOOTS BUT YOU STOOD TALL AND LEFT A RAGING BULL - https://merch.umphreys.com/dept/you-walked-up?cp=402_109819
YouTube videos from the weekend: https://youtu.be/hcib7ECzYRQ
Where you can listen to UMBowl:
October 8th:
Nugs.net: https://tinyurl.com/ftxbdsna
UMLive: https://tinyurl.com/nwshxxhj
Relisten: https://relisten.net/umphreys/2021/10/08
Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/um2021-10-08.kld
October 9th:
Nugs.net: https://tinyurl.com/ff47ytpc
UMLive: https://tinyurl.com/5cmrnr97
Relisten: https://relisten.net/umphreys/2021/10/09
Archive.org: https://archive.org/details/um2021-10-09.kld
DATC Podcast UMBowl 2021 Playlist: https://2nu.gs/3DlCSCK
DATC Podcast 2021 Hall of Fame Contenders Playlist: https://2nu.gs/3pZxU9A
Wall of "WOW": https://datcmediacompany.com/wall-of-%22wow%22-wednesday
The Umphrey's "WOW" show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/umWOWshow
Last week's episode: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/datc-podcast-presents-umbowl-2021-complete-coverage-a-conversation-with-pat-dwyer
"La Isla Bonita' by Madonna video: https://youtu.be/zpzdgmqIHOQ