Episode description
I am very excited to welcome back to Dropped Among This Crowd Podcast, this week's guest Mary Welch Fox Stasik! This time around Mary Welch is going to talk about all things design and Breaking Bland, her HGTV show that premiered last month!
~ MW takes us back to when her love of interior design started
~ The day she declared that she wanted to be on HGTV
~ The nerve wracking moment of the big reveal when clients see what she created in their home
~ How she finds inspiration when working with clients
~ The craziest thing she’s ever experienced when renovating a home
~ Her biggest pet peeve about being a designer
~ Her favorite part about doing the show, biggest takeaway and learning experience
~ How the 100 day challenge that we were both a part of helped during the filming of the show
~ Her plans for 2021 and 2022 for her business
~ What advice she would give a young designer
~ Her new passion project – hype mirrors and how the idea came for those
~ She also tells me some more about her blog and more!
- Check out the show notes for links to the episodes from the other two times Mary Welch was a guest on Dropped Among This Crowd *
So be prepared for some variations: https://datcmediacompany.com/the-crooked-one
Email: droppedamongthiscrowdpod@gmail.com
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"Dropped Among This Crowd" Official Store: https://datcmediacompany.com/datc-store
DATC Media Company: Dropped Among This Crowd Media Company https://datcmediacompany.com/
Umphrey's McGee Tour Dates: https://www.umphreys.com/tour/
YOU WALKED UP SHAKING IN YOUR BOOTS BUT YOU STOOD TALL AND LEFT A RAGING BULL - https://merch.umphreys.com/dept/you-walked-up?cp=402_109819
"Tales From Scamp with Joel Cummins + Sara Jachimiak" : https://tales-from-scamp-with-joel-cummins.simplecast.com/episodes/tales-from-scamp-with-joel-cummins-sara-jachimiak
My 2021 Hall of Fame Play List: https://2nu.gs/3pZxU9A
Wall of "WOW": https://datcmediacompany.com/wall-of-%22wow%22-wednesday
The Umphrey's "WOW" show on Twitter: https://twitter.com/umWOWshow
Last week's episode: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/a-conversation-with-tranum-fitzpatrick
Afterburner Festival information: https://www.afterburnermusicfestival.com/
Livery Micro Brewery: http://liverybrew.com/monthly-events/
Other DATC episodes Mary was on:
Episode 8: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/episode-8
Mary Welch Fox Design: https://www.marywelchfox.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marywelchfoxdesign/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Mary-Welch-Fox-Design-105090428258276
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MaryWelchFox1