Tune in this week to hear more about the launch of Dropped Among This Crowd Media Company! I go in depth about the vison for the company and give you a sneak peak into a few of the new shows coming later this year! Celebrate the launch of DATCMC on Saturday, May 22nd at 8:30pm ET with a live stream party! We'll also have some very special guest join us! Stay tuned to social media for more details of how to watch!
Email: droppedamongthiscrowdpod@gmail.com
Show Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/droppedamongthiscrowdpodcast/
Show Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/droppedamongthiscrowd/
Website: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.weebly.com/
Dropped Among This Crowd on YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/y7zqveo5
Where you can also watch video interviews on IGTV: https://www.instagram.com/droppedamongthiscrowdpodcast/channel/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amongthiscrowd
Book a conversation on "Dropped among this Crowd":
"Dropped Among This Crowd" Official Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/AmongthisCrowd
Where to find everything Conduit Magazine: https://linktr.ee/conduitmagazine
Dropped Among This Crowd Media Company:
Website: Dropped Among This Crowd Media Company (datcmediacompany.com)
Instagram: DATC Media Company (@datcmediacompany) • Instagram photos and videos
Twitter: DATCMediaCompany (@DatcMedia) / Twitter
Episode 149: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/conversation-with-keith-griner
Episode 148: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/conversation-with-jake-cinninger
Episode 2: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/episode-2
Rob Tuner on Twitter: (1) RS Turner (@RsTner) / Twitter
Inside out with Tuner + Seth: https://www.insideoutwtns.com/
Jimmy Roger on Twitter: (1) Nachos for All (@UMfacts) / Twitter