Episode description
This week on the show, Dropped Among This Crowd Podcast begins its UMBowl IX coverage!
Tune in to hear a conversation with the Chief Technology Officer for Umphrey’s McGee, Adam Scheinberg. We chat about his first UM show, his favorite moment in UM history, the creation and maintenance of All Things Umphreys, his behind-the-scenes work that helps make UMBowl happen, and more!
Listen for an announcement about some very special UMBowl IX coverage coming from DATC Media Company!
Where you can find this week's online: Adam Scheinberg
Mockingbird Foundation: mbird.org
Support DATC Media Company on Patreon: [https://www.patreon.com/Datcmediacompany
UMBowl IX: https://www.umphreys.com/2022/09/umbowl-2022/
Preorder the summer edition of Crooked Conversations: https://datcmediacompany.com/datc-store
DATC Media: 2022 Highlights Playlist: https://2nu.gs/3CIi1LK
DATC Media: 2022 HOF Contenders Playlist: https://2nu.gs/3DTdBni
DATC Media 2021 Highlights Playlist:
DATC Media 2021 HOF Contenders Playlist: https://2nu.gs/3fmnLmH
DATC Media Company: https://datcmediacompany.com
DATC Media YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXM4rMP_2fWvjcVP4UH0G1Q
Email: droppedamongthiscrowdpod@gmail.com
Show Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/droppedamongthiscrowdpodcast/
Show Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/droppedamongthiscrowd/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amongthiscrowd
Book a conversation on "Dropped among this Crowd":
Umphrey's McGee Tour Dates:
The Umphreys "WOW" Show: https://the-umphreys-wow-show-with-rob-turner-jimmy-knowledge.simplecast.com/
Wall of "WOW": https://datcmediacompany.com/wall-of-%22wow%22-wednesdays
"Stew on This": https://stew-on-this.simplecast.com/
Tales from Scamp with Joel Cummins & Sara J: https://tales-from-scamp-with-joel-cummins.simplecast.com/
Conversations with Ben Factor:
Episode 192: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/a-conversation-with-ben-factor
Episode 109: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/a-conversation-with-ben-factor
Episode 55: A conversation with Jefferson Waful: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/interview-with-umphrey-s-mcgee-lighting