Tune in this week to hear what's on deck inside the stacked double issue of Conduit Magazine + check out my conversation with Jake Cinninger!
Jake and I talk about:
* How he planned to approach the upcoming Boondock Build
* The benefits of being from a small town, and how it helps him artistically
* He takes us inside his song writing and recording process
* What it’s like working with such incredible song writers like Karl Engelmann and Brendan Bayliss.
* We take a stroll down memory lane and relive the early days of ABT
*That 2017 ABT show at Vegetable Buddies
* AND a ton more!!
* You can also find this conversation inside the pages of Conduit's May issue *
* Wanting more Ali Baba's Tahini?? Check out April + May's issue of Conduit Magazine! April's issue hits the streets April 30th. Follow the link in the show notes to grab yours! Also check the show notes for more conversations with the members of ABT *
Email: droppedamongthiscrowdpod@gmail.com
Show Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/droppedamongthiscrowdpodcast/
Show Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/droppedamongthiscrowd/
Website: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.weebly.com/
Dropped Among This Crowd on YouTube: https://tinyurl.com/y7zqveo5
Where you can also watch video interviews on IGTV: https://www.instagram.com/droppedamongthiscrowdpodcast/channel/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amongthiscrowd
Book a conversation on "Dropped among this Crowd":
"Dropped Among This Crowd" Official Etsy store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/AmongthisCrowd
Where to find everything Conduit Magazine: https://linktr.ee/conduitmagazine
Episode 148: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/suwannee-rising-2021
Where you can listen to the show talked about last week:
Nugs.net: Umphrey's McGee online-music of 04/10/2021, Spirit of the Suwanee Music Park, Live Oak (nugs.net)
Videos from Suwannee Rising:
Haji: https://tinyurl.com/3n5an4nm
Set 1: https://tinyurl.com/ym6a3ary
Episode 119 (with Annie + Mary) : https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/conversation-with-annie-bayliss-mary-welch-100-days-for-positive-change
Watch the video: https://tinyurl.com/4uryvmma
Conversations with members of ABT:
Jim Leep:
Episode 1: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/episode-1
Episode 108: https://droppedamongthiscrowdpod.simplecast.com/episodes/live-from-boondock-studios-conversation-with-jim-leep
Take a tour of Boondock Studio: https://tinyurl.com/4pjxd336
Steve Krojo:
JW Powell:
Karl Engelmann:
Where you can find Ali Baba's Tahini on social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AliBabasTahini/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/alibabastahini/
Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ali_Baba%27s_Tahini
YouTube Channel: https://tinyurl.com/w355ha6
Ali Baba's Tahini on Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/u5eoknq
Where you can buy Bottom Feeders on Vinyl: https://merch.umphreys.com/dept/vinyl?
Video of 2010 Nile MI show: ALI BABA'S TAHINI IN NILES 2010 - YouTube
Ali Baba's Tahini on Nugs: Ali Baba's Tahini concert live downloads and online music streaming (nugs.net)
Ali Baba's Tahini on archive: Ali Baba's Tahini : Free Music : Free Audio : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive