Gitty Greenwald, LCSW is a psychotherapist in private practice in Brooklyn, NY, and works with adults.
Besides for traditional psychotherapy, Gitty has extensive training in multiple body centered trauma treatments, which include: somatic interventions, sensorimotor psychotherapy, EMDR, hypnosis, intuitive healing, energy healing, and breathwork. Gitty developed training that is focused on teaching licensed mental health professionals on how to use breathwork methods within their clinical practice.
Patricia R. Attia, Phd., LCSW is a co-President of the Our Place Board. During the early part of her career she established addiction and psychiatric programs across the country. She published and lectured around the US on topics of trauma, addiction and dual diagnosis. She received her master’s degree at Yeshiva University and her doctorate at NYU. She was one of the early trainers at Our Place and later became the clinical consultant. Currently she maintains a private practice in Manhattan and continues to be available to the Our Place staff.
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