Episode description
Today on Mushroom Hour we are joined by internationally renowned herbalist Dr. Christopher Hobbs. Dr. Hobbs is a fourth-generation herbalist, licensed acupuncturist, herbal clinician, research scientist, consultant to the dietary supplement industry, expert witness, botanist and mycologist with over 35 years of experience. He is also a prolific writer and has authored or co-authored over 20 books, including the new “Christopher Hobbs’s Medicinal Mushrooms, the Essential Guide.” Christopher has lectured on herbal medicine world-wide. He earned his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley with research and publication in evolutionary biology, biogeography, phylogenetics, plant chemistry, and ethnobotany. Time to dive deep into medicinal mushrooms!
- Embracing Generational Tradition of Herbalism in a World of Toxic Notions
- Discovering Mushrooms in the 1970s
- Herbalist World View
- Elevating Consciousness
- Allying with Plant & Mushroom Spirits
- Importance of Spiritual Wellbeing
- What is Medicine?
- Chemistry of Medicinal Mushrooms and the Immune System
- One of Medicinal Mushrooms Biggest Benefits - Fiber
- Effects of Beta Glucans & Ancient Receptors in the Body
- Secrets of Medicinal Mushroom Products
- Starch Testing our Mushroom Powders
- Healing Powers of Reishi
- Why Do We Put Up With It?
- Christopher Hobbs' Website: https://www.christopherhobbs.com/
- Christopher Hobb's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drchristopherhobbs/
- Christopher Hobb's IG: https://www.instagram.com/christopherhobbs1/?hl=en
- "Christopher Hobbs' Essential Guide to Medicinal Mushrooms": https://www.amazon.com/Christopher-Hobbss-Medicinal-Mushrooms-Consciousness/dp/1635861675/
- "A Modern Herbal": https://www.amazon.com/Modern-Herbal-Complete-Margaret-Grieve/dp/1626542236/
- "Back to Eden": https://www.amazon.com/Back-Eden-Jethro-Kloss/dp/0940985101/
- Dr. Edward Shook: https://www.biblio.com/edward-e-shook/author/587245
- Dr. John Christopher: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Christopher_(herbalist)
- Dr. Michael Tierra: https://planetherbs.com/owners/dr-michael-tierra-l-ac-o-m-d/
- Ed Smith: https://m.facebook.com/herbal.ed
- Susun Weed: http://www.susunweed.com/
- Rosemary Gladstar: https://scienceandartofherbalism.com/
- Reishi (mushroom): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lingzhi_(mushroom)
- Boletus edulis (mushroom): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boletus_edulis