Fever is a platform that is filling a crucial hole in the live entertainment market: they’re not only curating the best events for users based on their interests, but also providing creators with the data they need to scale and improve their experiences. In today’s episode, Fever co-founder and CEO Ignacio Bachiller discusses how Fever works for both consumers and producers, and where he sees the live entertainment industry heading.
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© 2023 Future of StoryTelling, Corp.
Produced by Future of StoryTelling, Corp.
124 West 13th Street
New York, NY 10011
Founder and CEO, Charles Melcher
Director, Carolyn Merriman
Assistant Producer, Madison Brown
in collaboration with Charts & Leisure
Founder, Jason Oberholtzer
Executive Producer, Mike Rugnetta
Editor, Garrett Crowe
Mix and Music, Michael Simonelli
With special thanks to Ignacio Bachiller, Bonnie Eldon, Meghal Janardan, Elisabeth March, Michael Bass, and Megan Worman.