What do ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Bible, the Quran, the Upanishads, and the Vedas all have in common? They depict or discuss using hands for healing. This method of healing, whether physical or psychological, appears again and again across histories and cultures. With such a storied background, I was compelled to dive into the world of Energy Healing.
In this episode, I decided to experience energy healing firsthand. I invited an energy healer to guide me through the process. Tune in as I explore the basics of the 7 Chakras, describe my session with the energy healer, and share the mantras she taught me to help open my chakras.
Plus, I’ll share a story that completely changed how I view life’s experiences. It’s a shift in perspective that has allowed me to let go of regret, fear, pain, and anger, and it has been nothing short of eye-opening.
Key Moments
0:00 Intro
1:51 What is Energy Healing
2:29 What are the 7 Chakras
4:27 What to expect when meeting with an Energy Healer
8:12 What to do if a Chakra is blocked
13:13 BONUS! The Cosmic Bus Stop Analogy
18:48 Recap
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