By Peter List, Editor | April 6, 2024
Last week, Mike Elk, a pro-union writer, who owns a website called PayDay Report, did a hit piece on me entitled “Anti-UAW Union Buster Secretly Behind Hit Labor News Site.” Here is my response.
* Perhaps, we owe you an explanation...
* Union Watchdog: UAW Leaders Bask In Puerto Rico As Members Get Laid Off
* Congress Should Investigate UAW's Neutrality Agreement & Works Council Scam At VW
* After Volkswagen Loss, UAW Bosses Turn To Bovine Excrement Manufacturing
* The UAW At VW: A Desperate Old Dog Tries A Very Old (And Illegal) Trick
* A Lesson In U.S. Labor Law & How The UAW Is Lying Its Way Into The South With VW's Help
* Why Are VW's German Union Bosses Backtracking On Their Expansion Ultimatum Now?
* Anti-UAW Workers File NLRB Charges Over VW's Pro-Union Coercion
* Why Doesn't The UAW Want A Secret-Ballot Election At VW?
* Anti-UAW Workers File NLRB Charges Over VW's Pro-Union Coercion
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