Thank you to everyone who continues to listen to this podcast.
1) If you didn’t know, I have a playbook available for product ops at It’s a great summary of what modern product ops teams should work towards. It’s a free download and also available at But now I’ve just launched a cohort-based course on this same concept. To take this one step further, I put together what I believe to be the best way to succeed in the product ops role. It’s a cohort-based course that will help you really understand the role and what it entails. To learn more go to
2) I will soon launch my second playbook. This one is based around effective product strategy and how to really bring that into the day-to-day decisions of the teams. It’s really important that when you’re working with product teams that they have a good understanding of where they’re going and using that in their day-to-day decisions, so they know what they’re doing is on strategy or off strategy. To hear more about it, you can sign up at