Episode description
In this week’s Omni Talk Retail Fast Five news roundup, sponsored by the A&M Consumer and Retail Group, Wiliot, Avalara, TGW, and Sezzle, Chris and Anne discussed:
There’s all that, plus Milwaukee hotels, death by lady bugs, and grooming tips for hairless dachshunds.
P.S. We are also gearing up for CommerceNext out in NYC in June. Scaled retailers and brands can register for FREE with code “FASTFIVE” in the referral field. Secure your spot now — head to commercenext.com/conference/ and don’t forget to use “FASTFIVE”
P.P.S. Be sure to check out all our other podcasts from the past week here, too: https://omnitalk.blog/category/podcast/
P.P.P.S. Also be sure to check out our #1 podcast ranking in all of retail on Feedspot
Music by hooksounds.com