If using electronic media causes you to have any of the following experiences, it’s a sign that you may need to disconnect.
· Depressed mood. · Increased irritability, frustration, or anger. · Feeling insecure. · Loss of sleep or interrupted sleep. · Feeling obligated to consume, respond, react, or check in.
If that sounds like you, then listen to this show.
Things changed when my phone outsmarted me. Once Facebook had a permanent place in my pocket, it became a permanent portal—able to transport me away from my family. Even if we were physically in the same room, I wasn’t necessarily there with them. Facebook was no longer simply a naptime vacation but an all-day form of escapism. Wendy Speake
A red flag is if you’re losing interest in being social in person because you’d rather just connect with people online. Kai-Rai Prewitt
Stop letting people who do so little for you control so much of your mind, feelings, and emotions. Will Smith