"Do Accountants Make the Best CFOs? Steve Rosvold."
Steve Rosvold is the Founder of CFO.University, a professional development platform for finance leaders. He spent 20 years leading corporate finance teams honing his ability to drive change, improve profitability and ensure long-term financial health for businesses before creating an advisory practice that grew into CFO.University.
The company’s foundation is built on the four pillars of CFO success: Accounting, Finance, Treasury and Leadership and its mission is to deliver practical, performance enhancing and convenient professional development to finance leaders all around the globe.
In this episode, we discuss how accountants and CPAs are dialed into governance, financial control and historical reporting, but how this often locks them out of future focus, predictions, and analytics. If accountants and CPAs don't have the right skills, what do they need?
Steve shares the four pillars of success in COF University that lead to mastery as a senior financial officer and an even stronger accountant. The Four Pillars are made up of:
We explore how the CPA or chartered accountant qualification used to be a route to CFO status and positions but no longer. And we look at what is. Lots of goodies here to help accounting professionals appreciate and even step into the financial expertise required by modern businesses.
Steve lives in beautiful Vancouver, Washington and is an avid bicyclist. On his longest one-day trek he pedaled 275 miles from Seattle to Spokane, Washington.
The Accounting Influencers Podcast drops every Monday to accounting professionals, finance specialists, software vendors, tech providers and influencers across 150 countries in the accountancy, CPA and bookkeeping space. To participate in our international virtual speed networking events for the accounting community, go to https://accountinginfluencers.com/events and book your place at the next gathering. Great to build your personal brand and make valuable industry connections.
You can watch this episode and more on our YouTube Channel
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