Episode description
A healthy co-founder relationship is the foundation of a good business. How can we prevent conflicts and alleviate friction? Our guest today is Shai Schechter, co-founder of RightMessage. You’ll learn the story behind RightMessage, how to navigate co-founder relationships, how to leverage different skills and personality types, and more.
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Show Notes- RightMessage — Shai’s product with Brennan Dunn
- Double Your Freelancing — Brennan’s Previous Business
- The story of Userlist, Inc. — Jane’s co-founder story
- The only wrong answer is 50/50: Calculating the co-founder equity split — an article by Dan Shapiro
- Casey Graham — the growth coach who helped Shai and Brennan
- The Synergist Quiz — the test to figure out your personality type (Visionary, Operator, Processor, Synergist)
- Rubber Duck Programming — arriving at solution after problem explanation
- Follow Shai on Twitter
- Sign up for Shai’s newsletter
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