Text: 2 Corinthians 5:14-21
+A follower of Jesus is no longer a prisoner to death.
+A follower of Jesus is a new creation.
+A follower of Jesus is sent.
“Plainly, if Paul’s conclusion is to be drawn, the ‘for’ must reach deeper than this mere suggestion of our advantage: if we all died, in that Christ died for us, there must be a sense in which that death of his is ours; He must be identified with us in it: there, on the cross, while we stand and gaze at Him, He is not simply a person doing us a service; He is a person doing us a service by filling our place and dying our death.” – James Denney
“But, behold, a new soul (for it was cleansed), and also a new body, and a new worship, and new promises and covenant and life and table and dress, and all things absolutely new.” – John Crysostom