Scripture: Genesis 1:26-31
Key Takeaways:
+ Every human being possesses dignity as an image bearer of God
“But human rights are just like Heaven, and, like God, it’s just a fictional story that we’ve invented and spread around. It may be a very nice story. It may be a very attractive story. We want to believe it, but it’s just a story. It’s not a reality. It is not a biological reality. Just as jellyfish and woodpeckers and ostriches have no rights, homo sapiens have no rights, also. Take a human, cut him open, look inside. You find their blood, and you find the heart and lungs and kidneys, but you don’t find any rights. The only place you find rights is in the fictional stories that humans have invented and spread around.” – Yuval Noah Harari, TED Talk
+ You Matter
+ All People Matter
+ Christianity Matters
+ Every human being is fully dependent upon God
Image: I make a sacrifice to the God → The God gives me what I want
Acts 17:24-25
Image: God reaches down in unmerited grace → We respond in joyful and obedient thanks
Ephesians 2:8-9