Scripture: Romans 13:8-10
Key Takeaways:
+ Love is our greatest and ongoing debt
+ Love is the measure of our maturity
Maturity is not marked by how much of the bible you know, your church attendance, your impeccable morality, your spiritual experiences, your giftedness, even your service, or commitment to God. All those things are good, but they are nothing without love.
“The rule of love is that one should wish his friend to have all the good things he wants to have himself and should not wish the evils to befall his friend which he wishes to avoid himself. He shows this benevolence to all men. No evil must be done to any. Love of one’s neighbor works no evil. Let us then love even our enemies as we are commanded, if we wish to be truly unconquered.” St. Augustine, “Of True Religion.”
+ Start in your home
+ Make this house a house of love
+ Care more about being righteous than being right
+ Be Specific