This week on The Business of Open Source, I spoke with Jimmy Zelinskie, co-founder and CPO of Authzed, which is behind SpiceDB.
We kicked off the discussion with a really interesting discussion about whether or not SpiceDB is a database and whether or not Authzed is a database company. At first they didn’t see it that way, but as soon as they started leaning in on describing the product as a database, the more successful they were at getting people in their community to quickly understand what they did and how to use it. But it wasn’t just important for adoption: Once the team realized they were a database company, the business model they should follow seemed obvious, and they could make product decisions without stepping on anyone’s toes.
Some topics we covered:
If you’re the founder of an open source company — or you know anyone who is — and you don’t have a good framework for making product decisions or struggle to communicate internally and externally what the difference between project and product is, I can help you figure that out. Here’s more information.