"His face was just… blank. He didn’t have a face! How he could he not have a face? I turned around and tried to get away from him. I tried to climb back down and I fell. I could hear him coming after me. He kept letting out these muffled screams.”
We are off to Australia, if you believe it's real, for the story of a very famous haunted cave, the Jenolan Caves. Many of us go on tours while we are on vacation. What if you went on a tour and you were the only person who could see an extra tourist, also on the tour? As we listen to Dan share the hauntings of this cave, you will be left to wonder how such a beautiful place could give you such a scare. Keeping in theme with adventures you might go on, Dan attempts to make the woods and hiking a NO-GO for Lynze. In an undisclosed location, there is a "man" with no face, making people disappear. Is he real? Are people disappearing? What kind of control does he have over them that keeps people in the woods for days. Listen in and decided if you still want to spend time in the woods.
In Lynze's half of the show, she gives us three stories this week. In the first story, CC tells how a previous episode (69) sends her into a bit of tailspin, reminding her of the horrors of a shadow man or hat man she thought she had dealt with in her younger years. Was it a dream? Her imagination? Or, was he really there? In the second story, Lynze tells us about three cousins who have two back to back experiences. Both instances are bizarre and unnerving. If more than one person experiences something, does that make it more true? Finishing out the episode is a less scary tale but spoopy, none the less. Lynze takes us to Indiana and back in time, where a possible ghost is connected to the infamous H.H. Holmes.
Thank you for continuing to send in your stories, Creeps and Peepers!
Please keep doing so. Send them to mystory@scaredtodeathpodcast.com Send everything else to info@scaredtodeathpodcast.com
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Video/Audio by Bad Magic Productions
Additional music production by Jeffrey Montoya
Additional music production by Zach Cohen
Various free audio provided by http://freesound.org
Opening Sumerian protection spell (adapted):
"Whether thou art a ghost that hath come from the earth, or a phantom of night that hath no home… or one that lieth dead in the desert… or a ghost unburied… or a demon or a ghoul… Whatever thou be until thou art removed… thou shalt find here no water to drink… Thou shalt not stretch forth thy hand to our own… Into our house enter thou not. Through our fence, breakthrough thou not… we are protected though we may be frightened. Our life you may not steal, though we may feel SCARED TO DEATH."