“Busy” has become the default response whenever someone asks how we’re doing (which is a terrible answer).
Right now, a lot of us have more idle time on our hands than we’re used to and don’t know what to do. Now, we can finally do all those things that have been put off to “one day”.
On Saturday morning, I jokingly asked Hayley how we were going to fill our time over the weekend while on COVID lockdown. I joked at first as I thought we had nothing to do. But we ended up spending a good chunk of the weekend sorting messy cupboards, clearing the shed, walking and relaxing. We ended up having a great weekend and actually got a lot done.
It turns out, there’s more to do than you think and plenty of ways you can put your idle time to good use and have fun at the same time. Here are a few things I came up with. Please leave me a comment below with your ideas (as we’ve run out of stuff to clean this weekend).
Show notes » https://paulminors.com/172
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Intro/Outro Music: "Synthia" by Scott & Brendo
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