This is the first video I’m creating as part of a new series called ‘Minor Updates’. In these videos, I’ll be sharing more casual and personal updates about what’s going on in my life and what I’m working on.
Most of the content I produce is very direct and to the point. I like creating content that I enjoy consuming. This ‘no fluff’ approach has worked well and people really appreciate it.
But in ‘Minor Updates’, I’m going to take my time a little more to share what’s going on in my world. My goal is to share a little more about who I am and take you behind the scenes into my life and business.
The idea was somewhat inspired by watching ‘The Random Show’ with Tim Ferriss and Kevin Rose. Tim and Kevin record these videos every few months and it’s basically just two friends catching up and sharing what they’re up to, books they’ve read and stuff they’re finding interesting. I really enjoy these videos when they come out as you get to see what these guys are really like (and you often discover some cool new things).
I’m going to treat this as a bit of an experiment. I’m not committing to any set frequency about when to make these videos. I expect I’ll make the next one when I have enough new stuff to share.
So, without further ado, enjoy the first instalment of ‘Minor Updates’.
Links and resources mentioned in this video
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