In this weeks Liveng Proof Podcast episode I’m share a recent episode I recorded on my second podcast: Gal Pals. This was a very special conversation that invited me to dig deep and reflect on myself. It brought up a lot of interesting stories as you will see. What kind of birthday dessert do you like? So your sun sign is a ______ do you relate to the typical characteristics of this sun sign? What’s your type: Myers Briggs: Enneagram: 4 Tendencies: If you had to change careers to something totally different and your education was paid for what would you train to do? What is something that most people assume about you that isn’t true? When do you feel the most like the most confident badass version of YOU? What is one item of clothing that makes you feel YOU? What is something you’ve recently discovered or re-discovered that you really like? What is a part of your daily routine that you are loving right now? I know you feel a deep connection with trees which is so beautiful- tell me about how that’s unfolded for you? What are some lessons you’ve learned from trees? What is a favorite […]
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