Episode description
In today’s episode I’m chatting with Lauren McAulay intuitive eating health coach, co-founder of The Body Love Society & co-host of the How To Love Your Body podcast! Lauren struggled with an eating disorder for 10 years which morphed into orthorexia, meaning she was obsessed with eating the perfect food. She shares that, “No matter what I ate I always had to find the “healthiest” version. I roamed Whole Foods stores for hours obsessing over nutrition facts and superfoods (insert eye roll emoji). I was an exercise addict and gave all of my energy to what my body looked like.” Now she wakes up and has swapped her 2 hours of obligatory time in the gym for time spent walking with her two adorable pups. She now has the time & freedom to have a build her career, spend time with her husband, and have a social life. IN THIS EPISODE WE DISCUSS: WE DISCUSS: The Body Love Society group coaching program for women: Ditch The Diet, Body Love, Food Freedom, Intuitive Eating, Shifting your story about who you are and your worth The moment Lauren had that made her think she was unworthy → she decided she needed to change […]
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